Mollenhorst BV

Techniek & Management


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Wij spreken de volgende talen:

+++ We believe in the future with Hydrogen, as the base like we use fuels now. In this episode some facts Enjoy............................... Hydrogen’s chemistry is very simple- a single atom is made up of only a proton and an electron. In a gaseous form, it can be burned as a fuel. It can be stored in power cells that generate explosive energy and propel rockets and spaceships. It is volatile and combustible, and very, very powerful. Did you know : Of all elements present in the universe, hydrogen is the most abundant. Hydrogen gas has remarkable characteristics including colorless, tasteless and invisible that make it hotly pursued. It can also be transformed into a renewable, nonpolluting and zero emission energy resource. It’s considered the cornerstone of the new energy economy. Hydrogen is the flagship of the green energy transition. National policies and directives are focused on supporting carbon-neutral society based on hydrogen. Progress of hydrogen usage is evident in the expansion of hydrogen infrastructure. Social acceptance of hydrogen technology is steadily increasing. The hydrogen economy is expected to grow by carrying out current energy strategies. +++